Shared By The Twin Alphas Chapter 22

Chapter 22


It has been a couple of days since Eric left home, and he hasn’t contacted us in an entire day. Logan is worried about him, and so am I. Eric went to make peace with another pack, but so far, we don’t know how it’s going. He didn’t give up a lot of information when he called us.

“Do you think we should go looking for him?” I sound as anxious as I feel, and Logan’s expression hints at him feeling just as helpless as me in this situation.

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“Hmm…” Logan scratches his chin with concern etched all over his face before he says, “I think it’s best to give him some time. Eric is a capable adult, and he knows how to take care of himself. Let’s wait a bit longer before we go looking for him and see if he contacts us.”

I know Logan is right, yet I can’t help the feeling of panic clawing inside of me. Eric might be a bit of a jerk, but he is still my mate. So for the past couple of days, I’ve been picturing all kinds of scenarios in my head, and none of them were any good. What if Eric is hurt? What if he is in trouble with the other pack and can’t call us?

As if reading my thoughts, Logan put his arms around me and hold me close. “Hey, come on. Eric’s a tough Alpha. He can handle himself. And if something did happen, he knows how to reach us. Let’s just wait and hear from him first.”

I sway slightly in my place with a nod, unsure whether or not I will be able to sleep tonight. Logan is stroking my back, and I lift my head, locking eyes with him.

“Would you mind sharing a bed with me tonight?” I ask in a small tone. “No sex, but just some cuddling? Would it be cruel to ask that of you?”

His eyes crinkle slightly at the corners, and his mouth curls up into a smile. There are deep

laugh lines on either side of his face, and his skin looks very soft and inviting. He looks warm and so very handsome.

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“No, it wouldn’t be cruel at all,” he murmurs, pulling me to him and tucking me under his arm. His other hand brushes my hair away from my face as he tenderly kisses the top of my head. “I think I will feel much better if you’re by my side. And I can also protect you if you’re beside me.”

A chuckle rumbles from my throat. “What makes you think I won’t be the one to protect you?” I jest like a clown, flexing my arm in mock grandeur. I even puff out my chest before continuing to fool around. “I’m buff as heck after awakening as a wolf. I will beat up anyone that tries to hurt you, babe.”

Logan throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh. He looks at me with sheer amusement, shaking his head from side to side. “Babe?” he chortles. “You crack me up.”

I love seeing him smile. It’s worth embarrassing myself a little to make him feel good.

“I’m serious, though,” I say, my tone becoming more serious. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. To either of you.” I pause, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know what I would

do if I lost you and Eric.”

Logan’s expression softens, his hand still stroking my hair. “Hey, we’re not going

anywhere,” he reassures me. “And even if something did happen, we will face it together. We are fated mates that stick together.”

I sniff. “Then why hasn’t Eric called us back yet?”

“Oh, Five…”

He tugs me closer, and I snuggle into his chest, feeling a wave of contentment wash over me. His presence is like a balm to my fears, and I sip them away one by one as he holds.

me in the darkness of the night.

I grip his shirt. “I’m afraid Eric won’t come back…”


Logan’s hold on me tightens. “He will, but in the meantime, I will be here for you, Five,” he murmurs into my hair. “You can always rely on me, and I’m sure that Eric will contact us soon. This isn’t the first time he has gone incognito. He will be back. Trust me.”


His reassuring words make me collapse against him, and I’m immediately hit with a wonderful scent. “You smell like cinnamon…” I mutter into his shirt.


chuckles. “Do you like that?”

“Mhm,” I hum in agreement, my eyes fluttering shut as I inhale the comforting smell of his scent.

Logan continues to stroke my hair, and his touch soothes me. It’s like I’m in a cocoon of safety and warmth, and nothing can touch me. I savor the feeling until Logan steps back.

“How about we get in bed?” he asks. “We can sleep in mine, and if you’re afraid I’m going to try something, just build a little pillow fort in the middle.”

I laugh, the sound filling the space between us and lightening my heart. “I trust you, Logan. I don’t need a fortress.”

He grins. “Good. Because I was going to suggest we cuddle.”

I bite my lip. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“Why not?” He steps closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Wasn’t it what you wanted?”

“Yes, but…it might be tempting,” I answer in a low, husky voice.

He takes another step closer, his gaze darkening. A second later, his fingertips are stroking my jawline. He breathes, and I feel his breath kiss my skin, “And what if it is?”


My spine tingles with anticipation. I want to cuddle with Logan, I do, but in this state, when I’m afraid and lost, I might end up doing other things to Logan.

My tongue darts out to wet my lips. “I–I don’t want to hurt Eric…”

“You won’t,” Logan assures me. “Eric and I are both your mates, and before he left, he said

he was fine with…you know. We doing things first, in case it gets to that.”

My heart swells, and I nod. “Let’s go to your room.”

An easy smile curves his lips as he takes my hand in his and leads me down the hallway. In

his room, he turns on a small lamp that casts an orange hue across the walls. Dust dances

in the bright beam of light as it falls through the air. An old poster of Star Trek hangs near

the ceiling, warped by time and moisture. His bed is neatly made, with three pillows

stacked against the headboard.

“You haven’t been in this room yet,” he gives me a look of curiosity. “This is actually my childhood room. The bed is smaller, but I thought it would say much about me.”

I scan the walls. “You liked Star Trek?”

“I still do.”

“I have never seen it, but I know what it is,” I walk forward, stopping by the orange light to

study it.

Logan grins as he sees me gawk at it. “I bet you’re wondering why I chose an orange


“Yes,” I chuckle, feeling my fear slowly disappear under Logan’s gentle gaze. “Why


He steps closer, his lips curling into a seductive smile. “Orange is known for its calming


effects, and it helps reduce stress.” His voice drops lower, and he leans in closer so our noses nearly touch. “It also increases desire and passion…”

My breath hitches, and I feel a familiar tingle between my legs. Yes, Logan knew how to make me feel better, despite all my fears and worries… Maybe cuddling with him wasn’t such a bad idea after all?

I will get to touch his muscles again.

“I’m going to undress,” Logan announces and starts to unbutton his shirt, revealing a sculpted chest with no blemishes in sight.

I try to give him room, but I can’t peel my eyes off him. Logan’s body looks like that of an athlete–long and lean with tight muscles. The ripples on his stomach move as he breathes, and I’m suddenly insecure about taking off my own clothes.

Maybe he won’t mind if I sleep with my clothes on?

I keep watching him, entranced. Logan is so gorgeous that it takes me a few seconds to remember how to breathe again. His pants come off next, exposing a pair of dark blue boxer briefs that hug his hips just right.

I take another step back, feeling the heat radiating off Logan’s body as I nervously take in the sight before me. I had seen him naked before, but this time felt different–more intimate, more…special?

Is it because we are entirely alone?

…or because we have bonded more?

“I think you need to undress, too,” Logan murmurs, walking forward.

I hold my breath as his fingers make quick work of unbuttoning my shirt. When he pulls


the fabric apart to reveal my underwear, he smiles again.

I feel my cheeks flush, and the tingling in my core intensifies as his eyes linger there for al moment. Logan’s gaze then travels past my bra, and he studies my face.

I swallow hard and look up into his eyes, seeing something I hadn’t expected to see. I had forgotten how deep and soulful his eyes are…

“Are you tired?” Logan asks in a soft voice, surprising me.

I blink, trying to think past all this heat that’s building inside me. “I…guess so, yeah,” I


“It’s late…and tomorrow will be a long day if we decide to search for Eric,” Logan replies and walks toward the bed. I watch him get under the covers. “Feel free to join me at any time. You can use my chest as your pillow if you want,” a smug look crossed his face. “My pecs are large enough to support your head, Princess.”

He isn’t wrong, and my whole face burns with awareness at that fact. Logan is large and muscular, and he doesn’t bother to hide it. He kicks off the blanket, openly showing off his muscles. I take him in, standing rooted to my spot while admiring his massive frame.

He for sure doesn’t look like a teenager, but a tall and strong man. Arousal tickles between my legs, and Logan must notice because he looks up at me with an intensity that makes my legs tremble with both fear and anticipation.

Is that normal?

My eyes continue to roam over his body until he finally speaks, his deep voice reverberating through the small room. “I want to cuddle with you,” he says plainly, his eyes never leaving my face. I feel my skin flush with heat.

Yet, despite this, I dare to approach him, “Ask and you shall receive,” I say and shed off the

rest of my clothes. It’s about time we got close and personal….

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