Shared By The Twin Alphas Chapter 47

Chapter 47


When I get home, many things happen at once. First, I lessen Margaret’s burden by letting all the vampires be full–fledged pack members. No one interjects since they fought the Swani pack with us.

the murders that happened. They had

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Things are also more chill since the Swani pack was directly linke been on Johan’s orders, and since we know Ada was working on his side all along, we throw her and her friends, Giselle and Tori, into the pack dungeons to rot.

I don’t feel sorry for them.

Ada watched the guards mistreat me, and her friends were often video–calling her while I was beaten. Ada would turn her phone around and show them their Luna drenched in her own blood. And what did they do? They laughed instead of telling the twins of my whereabouts. So, in my eyes, they are all traitors.

Besides that, nothing else has really changed. I’m the Luna of the Wintercrest pack, and although I was kidnapped, I doubt that will happen again. I’m stronger now and fully able to control my ice powers. Eric is stronger, too, and able to control the minds of humans, werewolves, and vampires alike. His hybrid powers are


Logan is still a fighter but doesn’t desire to rule and lead like Eric and me. When we discuss things with other packs, he usually stays home with Henrik.

But that’s about to change. Henrik is growing larger every year, and one night, when I find him in our bed, I

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“Aren’t you a bit too old to sleep in your parents‘ bed?” I ask, arms crossed over my chest. Henrik is my only child, but there are more on the way–I’m pregnant again.

With triplets.

He grins. “I’m just a baby, remember?”

“Young man, you’re almost eleven.”

He pouts at me. “I bet you just want to get laid again…”



Yo Yo

“Excuse me?!”

Henrik laughs and runs past me before I can grab him. I’m too pregnant to move quickly, and when I feel another kick, I sag against the bed. Almost immediately, my nausea rolls in from nowhere. Where the hell is my bucket?

I squint and shout, “Logan? Eric?” when I can’t find it.

Logan and Eric come running up the stairs seconds later. They both look sleepy but still absolutely gorgeous. When they found out I was pregnant, they started to renovate th ise–that’s why they look worse than me. So exhausted yet still so pretty. My two handsome fated mates.

“Do you need something?” Logan asks, which makes Eric roll his eyes.

“Are you stupid or something? Why would a woman call for her husbands if she didn’t need something?”

Logan narrows his eyes. “Why are you so grumpy with me all of a sudden?”

“Because I know you ate my blood pudding this morning!”

“Ew, gross! That wasn’t me. It was probably Henrik–he loves gross food like you.”

“What is that supposed to mean?!”

Oh, brother. Can’t they stay friends for five minutes? I’m the one who is pregnant here… and hungry!

“Can you two please shut up? I’m going to be sick!” I yell, and Eric rushes over with my bucket just in time.

Logan rubs my back soothingly, and I can’t help but smile at them. They may fight, but they would lay down their lives for me and our family.

When my stomach finally settles, I stand up and wipe my mouth with a tissue. “Alright, that’s enough of that.”

They both look at me with the same concerned expression.

“What? I’m fine.” I assure them before groaning from another kick.

Eric gently picks me up and places me in our bed, his eyes full of concern. “Maybe you should take it easy for a few days. You’re heavily pregnant and still participated in the pack hunt a week ago. That might be why you’re so




Yo Yo

Chapter 47

“No, this would have happened regardless,” I growl stubbornly. I won’t back down from my Luna position just because the triplets in my stomach are messing with me.

Logan sighs heavily. “Do you want some tea? I’ve heard ginger and peppermint are good for nausea.”

I nod, and he goes to make me some. Eric hands me a glass of water with an apologetic look.

“Sorry about that earlier.”

“It’s fine. You’re both stressed about the upcoming Luna and Alpha meetings and making the baby rooms in


He grunts in agreement, and we lapse into a comfortable silence until Logan returns with the tea. The three of us sit in our bedroom, sipping the hot concoction and reminiscing about the last year. It’s been intense but good overall–except for when we lost a pack member during a hunt.

Rest in peace, Alfred. He wasn’t the wisest to run off a cliff after chasing a duck, but he was…umm…brave. His mom still cries whenever she sees the winged demons. Poor woman. I hope she will get over it soon. She has twenty other pups to worry about. And yes, she has that many children–the woman refuses to use a condom.

Anyway, back to the twins. I look between them with affection in my eyes, and they immediately take the hint- big Mama Wolf wants to be pleasured. I might be fat with a huge pregnant belly, but I’m not dead!

“Eric, fetch the oil. Logan, get naked.”

Eric chuckles before rising, his husky voice filled with amusement as he says, “Your wish is my command, Luna.”

Logan says nothing but is already stripping off his clothes to show me his abs. I smile in satisfaction. The twins are different, yet both are so attuned to my needs. Maybe I should be pregnant more often?

Once Logan is fully naked, I take off my own clothes and spread my legs for him in an invitation. I want my tongue on my clit. Now.

Logan, always the obedient one, immediately kneels between my legs. At the same time, Eric comes back with the oil, a smirk playing on his lips as he sees our position. He pours some of it into his hands and rubs them together to warm it up before starting to massage my swollen belly gently. The sensation is both relaxing and heavenly, making me close my eyes in pleasure.

Is it possible to be so aroused it’s almost physically painful? Because that’s how I feel. I’m so wet that I’m




dripping, and I lean my head back, waiting for Logan to get serious.

Once he does, I press myself against him. His warm tongue makes contact with my clit, and I gasp at the sudden wave of bliss that washes through me. His movements are slow and deliberate; he takes his time to worship my. cunt, savoring every moment just like I am.

All the while, Eric continues his massage, his hands moving higher up until he grabs one of my large breasts. They are so full now that I’m pregnant, and Eric takes my nipple into his mouth, suckling on it while groaning to


By now, I’m a writhing mess of pleasure, caught between my two mates. Logan, ever attentive, works his magic with his tongue, but when he slips a finger inside me as well, I let out a strangled groan. His movements are slow and torturous, building up an exquisite tension in my lower belly. I can’t help but jerk my hips upward, seeking


Eric releases my nipple with a loud pop and kisses his way down to my other breast. His hands are still roaming over my belly, the slick oil making his touch even more tantalizing. There’s something so intimate about this moment that it makes the tears prick at the corners of my eyes.

Suddenly, Logan picks up his pace. His thumb is now circling my clit while his finger pumps in and out of me. I clutch at the sheets, biting my lip to keep from screaming out in ecstasy.

“Logan…” I breathe out, warning him that I’m close, but he only grins against me.

“Let go, Luna,” he urges me softly.

I’m balancing on the edge of an orgasm, and I know what will push me over – Eric. Without taking his mouth from my breast, he reaches to where Logan works diligently. He presses a finger slowly inside me, joining Logan’s, and

it’s enough.

That connection between us flares brighter than ever as I crash over the edge into ecstasy. My body convulses and trembles as waves of pleasure wash over me again and again.

When everything finally dies down, I’m panting heavily with exertion. Logan pulls away with a satisfied smirk on his face while Eric shifts upward to cradle me in his arms.

The silence is comfortable in our cocoon of intimacy. Catching my breath, I close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep right there between them. The last thing I feel is their warmth enveloping me and their soft kisses against my skin. We are one, forever and always. It can’t get any more perfect than this.



Yo Yo

I just wish that Henrik could hurry up and turn eighteen so he could find a mate of his own. His sneaking into our bed at night is getting tiring. He needs his own person, be it a woman or a man; I don’t care. I just want him to stop interrupting my time with the twins.

That sounds selfish, but what can I say? A pregnant werewolf is a horny one–I need sex and two twins to stay alive. I love them so much that it hurts, and I know that our family is a good one, Henrik included.

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